Autumn in the Veg Garden

I took a stroll around my garden this morning. It was freezing. I was shivering, the leaves were shivering and the cat, very sensibly, stayed indoors. There’s not much left in the garden, as you might expect. Most things have gone over and many of the permanent fruit bushes have lost their leaves.

But… those that are still hanging on to a few leaves are producing some spectacular colours. Anyone that tells you a vegetable garden isn’t beautiful in the Winter just isn’t looking carefully enough. There is tons of colour, albeit in small bursts. But when you find it, it’s definitely beautiful.

Above is a leaf from my Blueberry bush. It’s not covered in leaves like this, just a few. But their flame colours can be seen from across the garden.

The Blackberry too is putting on a last burst before dropping its leaves and shutting up shop for the Winter. I love the oranges and flame reds.

Even the Grapevine has turned this gorgeous warm yellow. It looks so amazing that I’m putting off pruning it until the last leaf has dropped so that I can enjoy the colours longer.

Who says trees have the monopoly on Autumn, huh? But the most surprising thing of all is that it all looks completely different to how it looked at this time last year.

11 Comments on “Autumn in the Veg Garden

  1. Gorgeous colours! Our garden is the same I think: if you glance at it there’s nothing too impressive, but once you look close there are some really beautiful patches! One of my favourites was some kind of vine that has invaded from a neighbour (maybe a kiwi I think) – it had only just made it in, so the leaves in our garden were very young and turned a bright flame red as soon as it got cold! All gone now though…

  2. Sehr schöne Herbstfotos, ich frage mich ob meine Gartenplanung auch so etwas hervorbringt

  3. Lovely pics! Our sycamore is just like this too – it’s such a beautiful time of year!

  4. Autumn is my favourite season and I appreciate the lovely colours too. I love standing in my garden with a crisp cool air and looking around and thinking about the possibilities of next years growing season.
    Lovely pictures!

  5. Autumn colours are nearly worth being a little colder for. There are so many wonderful views and changes in the environment which happen in autumn and shouldn’t be missed. The pictures are wonderful!

  6. My liquid amber (sweet gum) trees foliage is amazing also. Last year 2010 was in my view the best year in living memory for autumn foliage.