Salad in Vacuum Jars


While visiting Papa and Grandma Diane I learned a nice little trick for preparing salads ahead of time using a Mason jar and an air extractor.

Simply, prepare your salad and build it up layer by layer in the jar. Put the dressing at the bottom so that when you tip it out the dressing pours itself over the leaves. Next put in the meat, cheese, fish or whatever you like. Then the Salad leaves and if you like Tomatoes on top.

Then seal the jar and make a small hole in the lid using a pin tack or drawing pin.

Now the science. You’ll need a vacuum pump. Ziploc does one that looks like a big syringe.

Pump the air out of the jar and seal the hole with tape. These prepared Salads will store in the fridge for four or five days. You could prepare one for each day and store in the office fridge making it easy to eat healthily. Or just store them in the fridge at home to be prepared for the week. Inspired!

6 Comments on “Salad in Vacuum Jars

  1. Never heard of that before!
    Happy Gardening!
    Lea’s Menagerie

  2. I do this too but I put the tomatoes under the lettuce, as they are quite wet otherwise the lettuce can go soggy.