Viburnums & Euphorbia

One thing that is really working in my garden right now is this Viburnum (Pink Dawn) next to this Euphorbia (Ascot Rainbow). The tinge of pink from both of them is brightening up the flowerbed right next to our driveway. So that when I get of the car each day I don’t see an expanse of wet brown. Instead I see this lovely pink tinge. It makes me smile.


3 Comments on “Viburnums & Euphorbia

  1. Isn’t it great to start seeing some color! We’re still waiting, here, but A lot of the snow will be going this weekend so I expect at least some green to start showing through.

  2. This is beautiful, naturally colourful leaves and/or stems are a real gift. Enjoy that warm and comforting pink tinge, it is in the dreary times that these thing feed our souls x