You know you’ve arrived when people start sending you free stuff. In the post today mtp recieved some complimentary seeds (Tomato, Courgette, Basil and Kale) courtesy of Seeds of Italy. You know Seeds of Italy – usually on revolving wire rackets in your local garden centre, very bright large packets with instructions in more languages than you can recognise. I must admit I have only ever bought one pack before. I guess I just thought that the weather here wasn’t warm enough for seeds that would prefer to be in Italy. Maybe they should change their name to… Seeds of Slough, no?… anyway, thanks for the free seeds, I will be sowing them, I will be growing them and I will be reporting back.
Before you decide to review these seeds, please consider that the seeds the PR department has sent you have been treated a whole heck of a lot better than the ones from the metal racks. Temperature, handling, freshness, etc.
You think they’re that sneaky huh? Surely it would be better to have ‘all’ the seeds in good condition. Less faffing, no?
I’ve used lots of their seeds, they have great salad and tomatoes. I usually get them from the Abergavenny Food Festival.
Your garden is going to look gorgeous. How do you stop people from picking their own salad? Won’t people steal from your garden? Sorry, I’m not familiar with plots as I am in N. America.
Looks fabulous!
Will follow your trial with interest. I seem to be growing more salad crops this year -paying £1.30 for a small bag of salad leaves in Asda on Saturday reminded me why!
Hi Catherine, Thanks for dropping by.
In answer to your question – you can’t stop people stealing your crops. Allotments are open plots, usually in the middle of a village or town (or city).
Sometimes there are gates around the plots, sometimes they are locked but most of the time they are open to the public (mine is).
I have never had anyone steal anything significant. Someone had a few broccoli spears from my purple sprouting plants a few months ago but nothing major.
It really depends on where your plot is.
Mine is in a sleepy little village in the south west. Not much crime here and so maybe that’s why I’ve never had anything stolen. That said if your plot is in the middle of London then with the increased population comes higher crime rates.
I guess you just have to trust people, or be prepared to have some stuff stolen and not really care about it.
hope you have some a good crop with those.
btw our blog addy has changed to
have a good season ahead.
My allotment is in London and we have 2 seven foot barbed wire fences with padlocks. This hasn’t stopped people driving through with a van and clearing out people’s sheds. I think this is why people are not allowed sheds except around the edge of the site. The odd crop that goes missing is probably inevitable but shouldn’t put people off growing stuff. That would be the biggest shame.
Seeds of italy do a lovely, different range. The only trouble is that you get so many seeds in a pack. the tomatoes you can grow would fill a field!
Wow Luke – that sounds a bit hectic. It always amazes me the difference between the country and the city. My tools are just lay on the ground next to my cold frame. Doh! now I just told all the would-be thieves where my stash is.
I LOVE seeds of Italy, it’s my favorite place to buy from! Their tomato varieties are wonderful and grow really well in this country, well they have done for me. And they have such a great selection of seeds for all sorts of other salads and vegetables.
I have used seeds of italy for years, they have great varieties and superb germination rates. Yes the packs are large but excellent value especially when you share with a friend.