Tulip Time!

Tulip bulbs
Monty says it’s time to plant tulips so that’s what I’m a-doin’. Although, I did cheat and plant some last month, most of my new tulip bulbs went in today. Everything I plant from now on until the garden is re-landscaped is in pots to save them being disturbed. So I planted up around 6 or 7 large pots with tulips. Why that many? Well I plan to use them as cut flowers and when you only have a few it seems a waste to cut them. I forget which varieties they are but the colours are mostly reds, blues, blacks and pinks. They like well drained soil and Monty suggested putting grit into the bottom of each hole, however since I didn’t have any grit to hand I went for a few rocks in the bottom of each pot and a mixture of sand and compost. We’ll see if that works. So here’s looking forward to a colourful Spring!

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