I Am Thankful For…

wellington boots
Well Thanksgiving was a few weeks ago but since Landscape Juice kindly tagged me with his Thankful Meme I guess I should tell you all what I’m thankful for: Here goes.

1) Firstly, I’m thankful for Ryan and my baby. Naturally.
But I’m also thankful for:
2) My Seed Box – it really is the perfect receptacle for my seed collection.
3) My Victorian Greenhouse – still a hit one year on
4) My Camera – without it My Tiny Plot would be but a sorry collection of words
5) My Tulip Bulbs – they are growing which means I’m looking forward to Spring already
6) My Local Garden Centre – perfect for rainy Sundays
7) My Handcut Bean Poles – salvaged from the allotment and still the best thing to grow beans up
8 My New Garden Plan – a glimmer of hope for the future
9) Gardeners World – the only TV show worth watching (well if you don’t count Antiques Roadshow).
10) My Kittens – they make me laugh every day

Tradition has it that I am to link some sites here who will carry on the digital chain letter:
Posie Gets Cosy
Winos and Foodies
Tiny Farm Blog

1 Comments on “I Am Thankful For…

  1. Oooeeer!! Didn’t realise you were a crafter as well?

    Those crafting blogs are my one weakness in life. Once I enter ‘craft’ blogland, everything (and I mean everything) comes to a grinding halt – housework, food, child-care. It is wonderful though, reading what these inspired crafters can produce and their particular take on life. It is just like looking through the keyhole into their homes.