A Little Bunch of Anemones to Brighten my Day

I bought some Anemones today. I couldn’t resist and well, I needed something to brighten up the house. I love Winter, I really do. The light is so…how to describe it… refreshing. But it can get a little samey. And when you add something vibrant, like this, it really stands out. The temperature dropped again today so I’m snuggled up, with the fire lit, drinking coffee with my husband and enjoying my one ‘day off’ of the week. And this little bunch of Anemones are helping me.

7 Comments on “A Little Bunch of Anemones to Brighten my Day

  1. My favourite flower! And you’ve photographed them so beautifully. Might have to go and get myself a bunch too …

  2. What gems they are. Must get some for my Mum this weekend. Thanks for reminding me about them.

  3. Lovely, I do love to get a few spring flowers in to remind me that brighter days are coming, I had anemones in my wedding flowers as a reminder of my granny how also had them for her wedding bouquet