Radish Came up Blind


Ack! Some of my Radish came up blind (didn’t bulb up properly). It’s my own fault – I forgot to thin the row so they ended up overcrowded, which Radishes hate. It makes sense. They don’t have enough room to grow sideways so they grow up instead. So, make sure to thin your Radish to at least 2-3 cm apart, and keep them watered. They are easy to grow but that doesn’t mean you can sow them and forget about them like I did. Otherwise all you get is a nice row of lush green leaves, but no Radishes!

4 Comments on “Radish Came up Blind

  1. Pingback: My Tiny Plot » Blog Archive » Radish Picnic

  2. I should check with you more often!
    I’ve been successional broadcast sowing me radishes in a small space and they’ve been fine – and then nothing but little carrotty type efforts….
    I think I’ll try Hugh F-W idea of growing in a bit of guttering.
    Bit surprised broad beans not in “pry out of cold, dead hands” category…;-)

  3. That explains a thing or two – thanks for posting the pic, exactly what mine looked like! I thought it was because the slugs had been at the leaves. Will thin the next lot as soon as they appear!