Pruning Mint

My Mint bush grows in an old water fountain in my garden. It was there when I moved in four years ago and is still there now.

Everything is getting hacked in my garden at the moment. Today it was the turn of the Mint. Every year I cut it back really hard – right down to ground level and I even pull some if the roots up.

Every year I think, ‘oh, no I’ve done it this time. This will never grow back.’ And every year it does grow back, just as lush, green and fragrant as the previous year. I’ll be making Mint tea with this come May, just you see.

17 Comments on “Pruning Mint

  1. mint is the bane of my gardener existence, how do you get rid of it? I have it in on of my raised beds which is now “the mint bed” I would like to relocate it to the periphery of my garden but am not sure how realistic that is and how deep I will need to dig…

  2. I love mint …. it grows on rhizomes under the ground so can spread like wildfire. To keep it contained plant in a large bucket or plant pot and place this in the ground. x

  3. “Pruning” mint? – I’ve hear it all now, Gillian! How wise to have an isolated spot to contain this pernicious plant.

  4. You’ve done well to keep it just in the one spot. Mine has a habit of ‘wandering’ where ever it feels like.

  5. Ha, the wind prunes mine..

    I have a raised bed of it, 2 feet by 4, and suspect it may creep into neighbouring beds eventually. Rhizomes tend to be quite near the surface, probably best to dig the whole lot up and replant the vigorous outer ones.. And then give/sell the remainder..

  6. We’ve been doing the same. Mint has been one of the biggest successes in our herb garden but, unfortunately, it’s been a little too successful. It spreads everywhere and needs to be kept under control. This year we plan to grow it in sunken clay pots to try to keep it under control.

  7. I have a large patch of mint in one of the veg and also cut it hard back every year. Mint is such tough stuff; not only does it come back easily every year but it also spreads so that each season I have to remove large chunks to stop it taking over! It is lovely, though, to see it standing tall, lush and vibrant and to just brush my hands through as I pass by and breath in the refreshing scent.

  8. Ines… how to get rid of mint.
    My solution is to pull all the mint you can see, trying to get as much root as possible. Next year, repeat. After several years repeating, you can probably see you are making inroads… mine got down to just a few stems… but I have been at it for about 10 years. I don’t think it ever goes away completely. But with persistence it can get to be something you can live with.
    Good luck

  9. mint is one of the only herbs i do not grow. it is the only way to stop the mint madness. failing that I hear you can keep it in terracotta pots in a bed… but after a few years I wouldn’t even trust that!

  10. I hacked mine back the other day, have a couple of large pots full of it, great with in salads or with freshly dug new potatoes.

  11. Mint is intrusive but I couldn’t have a garden without it. Just contain the roots and you’ll be fine.

  12. What a pretty place for a spot of mint to be growing! I love a warming mug of homegrown mint tea too… Roll on May!

  13. What a beautiful wall for your mint to grow near-no wonder its so happy there! Ours is still buried under snow, but along with the chives it’s one of the first herbs to nudge it’s way into the sunshine.

  14. Love all the stone, what a great garden feature. I love stones, I’m always picking up any stray ones I find. Love mint tea too.

  15. Mint needs to be controlled -Keeping it in a pot or tub can work well, but it can then be prone to drying out….so make sure it is large and in a cool, moist place….but somewhere it won’t inadvertently escape.

    If you don’t mind it taking over, it can be ok in the ground….at least it helps supress weeds!