Beginning to Like Roses


I always said I didn’t like Roses. Not because I don’t like the flowers but because the bushes look pretty bad in the Winter. My new garden has lots of mature Rose bushes in it and they are all flowering right now.

I have white, cream, scarlet, pink, yellow – fragrant, spray, climbers, ramblers – you name it. I must admit I’m coming around to the idea of Roses. They really are blowing my mind. And such a great cut flower too. My house is literally full.

1 Comments on “Beginning to Like Roses

  1. I felt the same way about roses. The bushes are fairly uninteresting and I was never that taken with the flowers. What I was brought up thinking of as roses were the boring 1960’s versions in nasty garish shades of pink and orange with no scent. Then I discovered old fashioned roses with subtle colours and wonderful perfume and now I’m hooked! I love the creamy one in your picture, beautiful with the deep pink.