Two years ago I planted two Persimmon trees. One is called Nikita’s Gift and it’s a Fuyu type of Persimmon. They are the ones that have fruit that is light orange in colour and their shape is squat like a Tomato. You tend to eat them when they are hard, sliced in salads etc.
The other tree is a Hachiya type (I forget the name). Its fruits are darker orange in colour and their shape tends to be elongated to a point. You eat these when they are soft.
Even without fruit I can wholeheartedly recommend a Persimmon tree. They’re small and slow growing (so not much pruning needed). Their leaves are thick and glossy and healthy-looking. Their Autumn colour is amazing too.
Neither tree flowered this year, and so there are no fruit on any of the trees. I’m practicing patience. Except, that when I went to the grocery store the other day I noticed there were the Fuyu type of Persimmon for sale. So I bought some. I’m thinking once my trees start producing I will have lots of Persimmons so I had better start practicing with some recipes now. Right?
I discovered that most recipes use the Hachiya type of Persimmon. They’re easier to deal with in a cooking sense. You just halve them and scoop out the mushy middle. It’s a bit like having a pre-cooked pumpkin just ready to throw in a pie. There are tons of recipes out there for Hachiya.
Not so many for the humble Fuyu. At this point I’m glad to be practicing – don’t want to be left with a glut of Fuyu and no recipes to hand, do I?
I did find one – a bundt (honestly I’ve never made one, even though, inexplicably, I own a bundt tin). So off we go, making a bundt using cubed Fuyu Persimmon. I’ve adapted the recipe to omit ingredients that I know my children (and in some cases husband!) will not eat. I do however know someone who will definitely eat it, the minute I leave the room!
Here’s my version:
Persimmon (Fuyu) Spiced Bundt
I made a Spiced Persimmon cake today. Here’s the recipe.
Practicing Patience with Persimmons – My Tiny Pot
I can walk to an Asian grocery store where they sell them dirt cheap. I put them in everything this time of year. I do love them in salads. Saturday, I used them for paninis, with prosciutto and brie. Mmmm.
It must have been a bad year for Persimmons, my mother’s Japanese Persimmon which is always full of fruit , didn’t produce anything ether.
RT @mytinyplot: I made a Spiced Persimmon cake today. Here’s the recipe.
I had never seen this fruit until I moved to Provence, France where the trees seem to be everywhere! They are such a beautiful tree as I love that the fruit stays on the bare branches after the leaves have fallen. An aquired taste- but delicious!