The Perfect Vintage Greenhouse

The greenhouses at Chelsea this year are lovely. They were all stunning but what I found interesting was the different ways in which they had been decked out inside. Some were treated as hothouses with Lemons and Oranges, and lush herbs.


Others as extra ‘rooms’ complete with wooden desks.


If you love vintage then there’s no need to confine it to your home. Your greenhouse is the perfect place to indulge in a love of gardens past. In days-gone-by the greenhouse was the hub of the garden, the congregation point, and on a rainy day, the retreat. With a few small touches you can give your greenhouse that vintage swagger, all it takes is a little imagination and trip or two to the flea market.


A nice line of bunting lends an air of celebration to your greenhouse. In the 40s bunting was a by-word for patriotism but today you can buy bunting in all colours that communicates all kinds of messages. Display your flag with honour or simply make your own bunting from your favourite colours or scraps of cool fabric. The colour will fade on the fabric and look even more vintage.

Display Your Tools

Old tools tend to have a beautiful patina. So if you are a collector of wooden-handled, cast iron, traditional tools then you won’t want to hide them in the corner. Put up some simple hooks along the window panels in your greenhouse and you can admire your vintage tools and find them when you need to use them! You can pick up tools like these very cheaply at flea markets and garage sales. You may need to sharpen them but otherwise they are so well-made they will last a lifetime.

Display Jars

If you spend a lot of time in your greenhouse then you’ll probably want to make it as much like home as possible. A wooden shelf can house photos, and an assortment of jars displaying cute or useful items. Collect Kilner jars or jam jars and pack them with colourful spools of thread, or trinkets. To make them even more useful put Nutscene twine in them, or coils of wire, plant tags, or seed packets.

potting station

This one had a handy little portable potting station that could be moved around the greenhouse. I could see this being very useful.


I particularly liked this one with its vintage ephemera. Impractical maybe but it looks great on display.


And I liked the way all the tools were hanging on hooks from the bottom of the shelf.

Until next Chelsea Flower Show I’ll be mostly trying to ‘vintage up’ my greenhouse!

4 Comments on “The Perfect Vintage Greenhouse

  1. great photos..I want to get a green house for my allotment next year ;0)

  2. I adore your blogs and indeed now I have seen this Greenhouse Chic blog from you, your greenhouse! I am very envious! Although you have inspired me to re-vamp my old aluminium green house into an inspirational lady laired!!

  3. Ooooh, yes I definitely need a shelf and a radio for my greenhous pottering. We resurrected my greenhouse from an old frame and glass from two other greenhouses – don’t believe the websites that say it can’t be done, but make sure you have someone to do it with!

  4. I looked over these lovely pictures as I have been seeking inspiration for a themed greenhouse. It was
    built by my father before me many many tears and has had the odd renovation over the years as it
    is wooden framed and has been prone to much wood rot over the years. However it is looking fine
    restored to its former glory which has inspired me to take it back in time.

    I loved the old tools and my vision for the greenhouse is more of an old world theme which reminds me
    of my Father who spent many hours in the greenhouse. They worn paint effect alongside an old valve
    radio and other such touches are how I envisage my greenhouse.

    Yes I admit that I’m thinking more of a style statement than a fully functional greenhouse. After I have
    it the way I want it then naturally I have to make it a little more functional. I confess I am writing this
    before I have explored your other post but I just wanted to say the old world charm exhibited here has
    been a terrific inspiration.

    So I’m off to find that old valve radio, oxo mug and old tools which I’m sure will be a great challenge. If
    the radio actually works it will be a bonus. Thank you for sharing these pictures I really enjoyed them.