Tags at Gardens of Heligan

plant tag

I’m always intrigued by the different kinds of tags people use for their plants. I took this photo of a plant tag while at the Lost Gardens of Heligan. I like the way that they have written the word Strawberry and filled in the corners of the letters to make them look like Serif fonts. It’s also painted in white, I’m guessing to stop it rotting in the ground, but this also enables them to re-use the tag for something else by just re-painting it. Time and effort has gone into creating this tag – I like that. I use smaller wooden tags in my kitchen garden (I might paint mine now!) and small wooden coffee stirrers (thanks Starbucks!) in the seedbed when things are much smaller, as you can see in the photo below. I’d be interested to know what you all use to name your veg.

plant tag

12 Comments on “Tags at Gardens of Heligan

  1. I use chopped up strips of yogurt tubs which works quite well.

  2. Big woooden tags – undercoat, primer and gloss and they’ll last for years. Those long winter evenings, out in the shed, paintbrush in hand, cup of tea, radio on…

  3. Hey cool – nice to see everyone recycling like demons! I might get me some of those meaty wooden tags to keep me busy in the winter.

  4. I’ve been using cut up plastic milk bottles with paper labels on them this year, but shan’t be using them again, or at least not the paper labels as the slugs and snails have been eating the paper so I have no idea what anything is anymore! Shall use a marker pen next year I think :-)

  5. I used the cut up milk containers with an indelible pen. Very good. I should cut them longer next time to give a good bit to bury as an anchor.

  6. Chopped up bits of plastic milk bottles. I write on them with indelible marker. Just like Ian, I see.

  7. Its a bit of a joke or i am down my site.I always forget the tags, my green button courgettes turned out to be yellow patti pan!

  8. I drew a detailed plan of my plot, dates / times and all. And only used tags for seeds. Though, with all the rain they’ve all had their writing cleaned off; at least they’re ready for use again…

  9. not so pretty as the wooden painted one but at a pinch those plastic knives marked with indelible pen work well. Recycling makes me feel sooo self righteous!