Sunburst Pattern Update!


Well, the last time we saw the patterned garden was back in April when I just put some of the plants in. Now it’s in full flow.


There was a vague plan, but I haven’t stuck to it in its entirety. I sowed a row of Beetroot down the middle of the pattern and none of them germinated. I think the seed was old. And so I replaced them with Lettuce. Also, the slugs ate my Spinach seedlings and I decided it was getting too hot for Spinach and so I replaced them with a sowing of French Beans. So there has been some movement in the design.

I think it looks pretty good. Next time I do it I might keep some of the taller plants like Kale either in the middle or at the sides. The tall Kale in the middle means you can’t see some of the smaller stuff.

I do like the way the Onions pop through between the Lettuces though. That works.

8 Comments on “Sunburst Pattern Update!

  1. My Nepalese plot neighbour has onions popping through her lettuces too. It most definitely works :-)

  2. Your design is so pretty! Designing with vegetables is so much fun – this year I planted a checkerboard lettuce bed with red and green varieties and also one with red and green cabbages. I think it is important that vegetable gardens be beautiful too. People often think that when you grow vegetables, you have to sacrifice beauty for utility but that is not the case at all!

  3. This is wonderful! What kind of boxwood (?) do you have edging the garden? I love it’s small, compact shape.

  4. It looks really effective, I’ve had problems with my dwarf french beans germinating this year, and limited success with beetroot. Possibily the seeds are a little too old.

    I love your path, gives the garden a heritage feel.


  5. Hi Ryan G – it’s called ‘I only planted it one year ago box wood :) I’m sure it will get bigger.

  6. Beautiful! Have you considered sowing winter veggies into the patches you clear as you harvest? It’s a beautiful view you have there!