Borlotti Beans Ready to Go!


These are my Borlotti Beans that I sowed a while ago under cover in my coldframe. They germinated within a few days and have been happily growing ever since. They are getting a bit big now so I think it’s time to plant them out.

I’m pretty sure that the risk of frost is over and we have a good forecast for the week ahead. But I’ll keep an eye on the weather report just in case there is any freak weather – in which case I’ll throw a bit of fleece over them for the night. But they should be fine.

I’ve put up my traditional bean poles, tied together with some garden twine. And I filled the trench with half-rotted compost about a month ago so I think they’ll be very happy in their new home.

I’ve never grown Borlotti Beans before – I’ve always grown Runner Beans. I’m intrigued to see what colour the flowers are and how the red pods look against the green foliage. It will be a first for me!

14 Comments on “Borlotti Beans Ready to Go!

  1. they look nice and healthy. i am a big fan of borlotties (great in a vegetable stew) though last year i made the mistake of planting a bush (not climbing) variety! The pods and beans look awesome!

    I’m planning to grow my runner beans in large pots this year and let them climb up some webbing. any tips for growing runners in pots?

  2. I planted my borlotti beans out last night too. Very exciting. Although I held a few back in case they get eaten by pests. I love the way the little beans cling onto the seedling stalks.

  3. James I’ve never grown Runner Beans in pots but they should be fine so long as the soil is nice and rich and you water them a lot. No different than the soil grown ones really. Good luck.

  4. BTW the Italians call them the beans you eat three times as fresh “green beans” as undried beans and then as dried ‘uns. If you are drying them to eat do make sure that once they are dry you freeze them for 72 hours to kill off bean weevils otherwise your storage jar will be full of wee beasties. Don’t do this with ones you intend to keep for seed though! You’ll also need to re-dry them for a day or so after freezing

  5. OK, I’ll take the plunge and plant out my runner beans if you think the frost has passed! Can’t wait to see pics of your Borlottis on flower :)

  6. I grew some a few years ago and they looked fantastic in the garden! I’m growing some again this year as well as green, yellow and purple climbing french beans. I planted mine out last weekend.

  7. I see you didn’t have the courage to nip off the heads of all but on bean per pot. I can’t bring myself to do this either. If these are climbers I’ll race you to the top of the pole as I have some ready to plant out too. Mind you you have an advantage being furher south. The forcast is great for bean growing this week… and then horrible. But the beans are outgrowing their pots so it’s fait accompli.

  8. I planted some Borlotto Solista Beans. I wonder if these are the same variety beans you have planted.

  9. I grew them for the first time last year and was very impressed. You can eat them fresh throughout the summer or leave them to dry on the plants and then store them. I enjoyed them so much I accidently ate all of them, and then had to buy some more to grow this year.

  10. our beans are ahead of yours but thought i might let you know that we have pruned the top of ours – flowers leaves etc as ants have laid eggs all over…ahhhhhhhhhh…happened this week.. the seeds were from kew gardens…but i am sure that has nothing to do with it.

  11. Hi I am growing borlotti bean and they were looking great until I transplanted them to a sunnier spot two days ago and gave them some compost for seedling. The leaves are turning greyish pale and curling up. Why is this happening? The soil is moist. I am so upset…:_ _(