Dig for Victory

I’ve not quite decided if mtp will be an all-year-round activity yet (we’ll see how the summer goes first) but when I found this site about the ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign suddenly cauliflowers in Dec became a distinct possibility. The site has pdfs of the original ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign leaflets issued by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1945. They show you what to grow, when to plant it, how far apart and when to harvest. It also gives advice on how to make sure you can harvest all through the winter – just when supplies are scarce (it says). I’m glad I didn’t live through the war but there’s something exciting about growing vegetables for a real cause. We all know that if our lettuces get eaten by slugs we can always pop to Sainsbury’s to get some new ones but what if the lettuces in your plot were your one and only chance for salad that year? Puts a different persepective on it doesn’t it?

2 Comments on “Dig for Victory

  1. In October 1939 the Government launched ‘The Dig for Victory’ campaign. People were urged to use gardens and every spare piece of land, such as parks, golf clubs and tennis courts, to grow vegetables. Even the moat at the Tower of London was used to grow vegetables.

  2. I know this is an old post but it came up when l Googled ‘Dig for Victory’. I agree with what you said about growing for a cause and how exciting that suddenly becomes. I am following in Mr Middleton’s footsteps this year, the author of Dig On For Victory. I will follow his advice week by week and see how the garden progresses. It is at a very early stage but feel free to comment.