Garden Diary – First 2 Weeks of April


Wow! It’s been a busy two weeks in the greenhouse. Do you ever find yourself running from place to place because you haven’t got time to walk? That’s been me over the last weeks. So, so busy!

1st April 2014
In Greenhouse
– sowed Bell Pepper (California Orange)
– sowed Bell Pepper (Canary)
– sowed Delphinium (Giant’s Mix)
– sowed Shasta Daisy

In Garden
– re-sowed empty patches of Peas (Green Arrow)

4th April 2014
In Greenhouse
– sowed Lettuce (Marvel of 4 Seasons)
– sowed Melon (Crimson Sweet)
– sowed Melon (Charentais)

In Garden
– planted out Cabbage (Parel)

7th April 2014
In Greenhouse
– potted on Tomato (Glacier)
– potted on Broccoli (Waltham 29)
– potted on Hyssop
– potted on Echinacea
– sowed Lettuce (Marvel of 4 Seasons)
– sowed Penstemon (saved)

In Garden
– sowed Poppy (Lauren’s Grape)
– hardening off Kale (Nero Toscana)

9th April 2014
In Greenhouse
– sowed Cucumber (Marketmore)
– potted on Salvia (Blue Victoria)
– potted on Verbena (Brazilian Vervain)

In Garden
– planted out Kale (Nero Toscana)
– planted out Broccoli (Waltham 29)
– planted out Cabbage (Parel)
– sowed Carrots (Scarlet Nantes)
– sowed Calendula (Flashback)
– planted out Onion (Walla Walla)

12th April 2014
In Greenhouse
– sowed Basil (Aroma 1)
– sowed Lettuce Marvel of the 4 Seasons)

In Garden
– planted out Cabbage (Red Acre)
– planted out Cauliflower (Chef’s Choice)

In Orchard
– sowed eco-lawn (Fleur de Lawn)

1 Comments on “Garden Diary – First 2 Weeks of April

  1. Looks delicious!

    We’re in coastal South Carolina and finished planting a couple weeks ago. Last years strawberries are growing like gangbusters (Sure Crop).

    We also planted 25 Apache blackberry bushes this past fall and they are doing unbelievably well.