Sowing Beetroot, Borage & Rocket

Got some time in the potting shed today. Took the time to sort out which seeds will be in the next batch to be sown. I’ll probably sow some Beetroot, Radish, Rocket and Spinach in the open ground – ready with the fleece should we get some late frosts. I’m going to sow more Borage this year too. I’m pretty sure that it will self seed from last year’s plants but I’m not taking too many chances and sowing some more too. Also several different types of Lettuce will go into the coldframe ready to transplant into the beds come late April. Last year I planted my Lettuce in this sunburst design which worked out really well. They were really planted too close together but so long as I harvested alternate Lettuces the design held together well.

3 Comments on “Sowing Beetroot, Borage & Rocket

  1. Yay for the Borage!

    I sowed some last year and the bees just loved it. Such a beautiful flower too (and apparently edible!)

  2. Borage is a great plant for bees and hoverflies, both very useful and beautiful insects to have on the plot. Once you get it established it will self seed enough each year to keep you going.

  3. Starting to think about sowing my first seeds though still worried about the chance of frost in yorkshire.