Potting on Tomatoes


It’s time to replant the Tomato seedlings that I put in the heated propagator a few weeks ago.
I’m growing two cherry tomatoes (Sub Arctic, and Gardeners Delight) and one standard variety (Robin). I may also buy some yellow variety tomato plants later on from the garden centre. I always end up with more tomatoes than planned.
Usual rules apply; always handle seedlings by the leaves rather than the stalk, take as much soil with each one as possible etc. Special rules with tomatoes include: plant them a little deeper in their new pot than in the seedling tray and water with tepid water so as not to shock them. Then cross your fingers.

9 Comments on “Potting on Tomatoes

  1. Your hands are glowing :)

    I just transplant my tomato seedling today. Basically did exactly like you did except I used room temperature water and styrofoam cups as pots.

  2. So many interesting tips on your blog. That’s what I find so mind boggling – there’s so much to learn. How do you know all this stuff? Is it just trial and error?

  3. I have planted the same varieties as you! my hub has just seen your wooden box and said he can make me some out of some old pallets that we have collected for the shed he is going to build for the allotment.

  4. I decided against Gardeners Delight this year after poor results last year – though of course this could have been because of the weather. I am going for Red Cherry this year, though they arent as far on as yours. Not a bad idea buying some plants from the GC, that way you can try some differnt varities – I might do this now you have put the thought in my head, fancy a go at some yellow ones

  5. Ahhh, I LOVE tomatoes!

    We love your blog and are really sorry it’s taken us so long to add you to our blogroll…we did in a recent post at our site; hope that’s ok!

  6. I repotted my tomatoes yesterday (can’t remember the variety, a cheeky freebie packed from the front of a magazine), one extra thing that I did was use the compost from last year’s unused tomorite grow bags that had been stored in the warm conservatory for a couple of weeks. That way the soil was lovely and warm, easing the seedlings transplantation.

  7. I’m repotting my plumb and yellow toms tomorrow but my cherry and standard toms are a bit behind yours. The plan this year is to be overflowing with tomatoes and then make some simple tomato sauce bases that should last us a while the the freezer.

    Fingers crossed I don’t screw it up.

  8. I’m also growing gardener’s delight and sub arctic cherry toms… I’ll be interested in seeing how yours get on.

    The newly designed garden looks great, I hope you and your little one are really enjoying it out there!

  9. Great to see there are other tomato fan’s out there.
    This year I have planted Ox Heart, Cherry and some seeds I collected from a Truss tomato from the supermarket.

    I’m thinking of purchasing some heirloom seeds off Oztion to get some culture into my garden.

    Keep up the good work!