Week 21

Week 21 is all about onions. Now that I have the plaiting down to a fine art I plan to harvest the majority of my onions this weekend. I’m not sure how many I have. Too many is the answer but as you can store them that doesn’t really matter. I’ll estimate I have around 25 red onions and 10-15 normal onions (as in the picture). I pushed the tops over a few weeks ago (after watching Clive do his!) and so now I reckon they’re ready for pulling. Some of them are huge in onion terms, at least 10cm across. What I will use such massive onions for I dont’ know….Village hotpot? New Year’s curry?…or maybe I could buy a second hand hotdog stand and start selling them (with fried onions) down the market on Saturdays? In reality I’ll probably give them away to our neighbour who works on the toll bridge. Every time he lets us across free he gets another bag of something nice from the plot. Vegetables should become the official international bartering commodity. Who needs oil and arms when you have onions?

3 Comments on “Week 21

  1. Well done on your onion haul!

    They should store well for several months so you won’t need to arrange an onion festical – make sure you use any thick necked ones first, then dry the rest with the leaves intact and plait them into a string. If you have a cool dry place like a garage to store them rather than a steamy kitchen they’ll keep even longer.

    I still have shallots from last year that I’m using …

  2. We’ve got loads of onions too. I’m finding it alittle bit difficult to dry them out as the weather’s unpredictable. Trays of them in the bathroom at the moment!

    Mmmmmm, fried onions.

  3. Thanks Jane -good advice. I’ll do that. My plaiting skills are improving with every one I do.